Weill Cornell Medicine is a top-ranked research center and medical college in the heart of Manhattan, New York City. As a pillar in the New York City healthcare community since 1898, Weill Cornell Medicine is committed to excellence in education, research and clinical care. With us, postdoctoral scholars can build a foundation for a successful research career.
Our medical college has a full-time faculty of 1,781 and a total faculty of 3,582, distributed across 24 basic science and patient care departments, giving our 450+ postdoctoral scholars the rigorous training and career guidance they need.

Our postdocs take advantage of over 325,000 square-feet of research laboratory space for their training. Weill Cornell Medicine also includes 25 centralized research core facilities, staffed by experienced personnel. Postdocs receive hands-on, individual support from Ph.D. and M.D. scientists as part of our basic science and translational research programs.
The Samuel J. Wood Library & C.V. Starr Biomedical Information Center houses more than 10,000 electronic journals and over 13,000 e-books to aide trainees in their independent studies.
New York’s Science Corridor
Our unique location near many outstanding biomedical institutions in the area allows our postdoctoral scholars to build lasting collaborations with researchers at other premier institutions, including the nearby Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and The Rockefeller University.
Weill Cornell Medicine partners with the institutions in the New York-Presbyterian Healthcare Network, one of the nation’s most comprehensive, integrated academic health care delivery systems.